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Networks & platforms

AGRIDEA is an important actor in the Swiss agricultural knowledge system with connections to extension and advisory services, research, practice, professional organisations, the administration, private service providers and other organisations. AGRIDEA staff are integrated in different thematic networks.

AGRIDEA uses these networks not only in an informal manner but also formally through thematic platforms. These contribute essentially to the processes of innovation in agriculture. In the context of the platforms, the representatives of different organisations bring their knowledge, skills and experiences and share these among themselves. A central element of these platforms can be seen in the knowledge processes that function in all directions – in other words, not only from research to practice but also in the opposite direction, or in a horizontal manner from one participant to another. This constitutes reliable knowledge serving the interests of each, linking, supporting and stimulating all the staff active in their respective fields.

AGRIDEA collaborators are involved in platforms in almost all thematic domains and, depending on the case, play different and more or less active roles: coordinator, facilitator, secretary or participant. The results from the work in the platforms contribute significantly to the documents, courses, software packages and other products of AGRIDEA.

More informations on our French or German website.

International network


