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AGRIDEA publishes about 300 publications destined to farming families, agricultural schools, consultants and extension agents, specialised offices in rural areas, and the administration. The range consists of files of technical data sheets, guides, subject sheets, forms and other helpful documents for decision making. The publications cover practically all fields of activity in agricul-ture and rural areas.

The different AGRIDEA publications meet the following criteria:

  • Reliable: our information sources are validated by experts, they arebased on research and consultation with expert groups, as well as the practice.
  • Adapted to practice: the contents are clear, succinct and easily transferable.
  • Up-to-date and relevant: they are carefully prepared and can be updated rapidly, especially with a subscription system.
  • Price: affordable; excellent value for money.

AGRIDEA publications are available in many formats: paper, downloadable electronic version, PDF, Internet pages, CD, video and even Apps for smartphones.
AGRIDEA’s objective is to reach the highest possible number of customers in the target groups through its publications. Close collaboration between the different actors and specialists in the agricultural world, the internal specialists of AGRIDEA and the publication service provides a large measure of flexibility in implementation, editing, and the production and sale of products.



The printing shop is also asked to produce documents for third parties. This à la carte service co-vers not only printing but also the creation of documents according to the customer’s wishes, as well as a mailing service.

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